In Chinese medicine, blood deficiency is a diagnosis that refers to a set of symptoms. These include:
· Insomnia, poor sleep quality
· Anxiety
· Depression
· Headaches
· Fatigue
· Cold hands and feet
· Constipation
· Light or irregular menses
· Weight gain
Acupuncture and Chinese herbs balance and nourish to relieve these symptoms, but it is also important that our bodies are being supported by our diets to have the building blocks we need. In the perspective of Western medicine, the most common vitamin and mineral inadequacies contributing to blood deficiency symptoms are iron, calcium, folic acid, and essential amino acids.
In the body, 60-70% of iron is used in the hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is the part of the red blood cell that carries oxygen to the tissues. When the tissues are not receiving sufficient amounts of oxygen, we experience fatigue, headaches, anxiety, and depression. When our iron is low, we have less hemoglobin in our blood. In this circumstance blood isn’t going to be able to do its work as efficiently, including supplying the brain. This leads to insomnia, decreased memory, and difficulty in concentration. Lack of hemoglobin also affects the nourishment of the intestines, which leads to constipation.
Blood Deficiency and Anemia
Anemia is a Western medical term and is defined as a reduction in red blood cells. Many times patients see their MD with the complaint of fatigue. They get a blood test to check their iron and red blood cell count to see if they are anemic. The test comes back negative. So why does their acupuncturist still want to talk to them about blood deficiency? In Chinese Medicine, the term blood deficiency denotes a set of symptoms, as oppose to a number or level that can be tested.
Iron is stored in the liver, spleen, and bone marrow, as well as myoglobin and numerous proteins. These stores are drawn on when the amount of iron in the hemoglobin starts to get low. When this happens blood deficiency symptoms occur, but it will take quite a bit more depletion before anemia is measurable.
The body is only able to absorb and utilize an average of 8-10% of the iron we consume.
Heme and nonheme iron
Iron is found in two forms, heme and non-heme.
The non-heme form of iron has to be converted into the heme form to be absorbed. The non-heme is the type of iron that is found in vegetable sources. Because of the extra conversion step, it is not absorbed as readily.
Heme iron is found in meat foods. This iron is already bound into muscle and blood tissues, making 10-30% of intake absorbable.
Other factors contribute to iron’s absorbability.
Increased by:
- Body needs during growth, pregnancy, and lactation
- Hydrochloric acid (production stimulated by meat protein)
- Vitamin C
- Blood loss or iron deficiency
- Meats
- Protein foods
- Citrus fruits and vegetables
- Iron cookware
- Copper, cobalt, manganese
Decreased by:
- Antacids
- Low copper
- Phosphates in meats and soft drinks
- Calcium
- Phytates in whole grains
- Oxylates in leafy green vegetables
- Soy protein
- Coffee and black tea
- Fast gastrointestinal motility
Well known for its responsibility for bones and teeth, calcium is also crucial for muscle contraction, including the functioning of the heart. Calcium is also needed for the nervous system. It has a role in nerve transmission and the releasing of neurotransmitters. Calcium influences serotonin and norepinephrine, whose balance is imperative in warding off depression and irritability. Other symptoms of calcium deficiency include headaches, insomnia, muscle cramps, and fatigue.
Increased by:
- Body needs – growth, pregnancy, lactation
- Vitamin D
- Milk lactose
- Acid environment – hydrochloric acid, citric acid, ascorbic acid (vitamin C)
- Protein intake and amino acids such as lysine and glycine
- Fat intake
- Exercise
- Phosphorus balance
Decreased by:
- Vitamin D deficiency
- Gastrointestinal problems
- Hypochlorhydria (low stomach acid)
- Stress
- Lack of exercise
- High fat intake
- High protein intake
- Oxalic acid foods (beet greens, chard, spinach, rhubarb, cocoa)
- Phytic acid foods (whole grains)
- High phosphorus intake
Calcium doesn’t work without his friend magnesium. Magnesium is responsible for the relaxation portion of the heartbeat by dilating the coronary arteries. It also contributes to the production of energy. Low amounts of magnesium can cause increased PMS symptoms.
Factors increasing or decreasing the absorption of magnesium are the same as for calcium.
Folic Acid
Folic acid is an important B vitamin. In its active form, THFA, its job is to help red blood cell production and to aid in the breakdown of protein. It also has a part in many amino acid conversions. Folic acid is instrumental in the growth and reproduction of all cells.
The first sign of deficiency is depression. Folic acid deficiency also shows in the skin, with cracks or scaling of the lips and corners of the mouth. Also associated with low folic acid is fatigue and the rapid graying of the hair. Folic acid deficiency has also been linked with cervical dysplasia and cancer.
Folic acid is absorbed in the intestines. This can be an issue if one is prone to bouts of diarrhea, or is on antibiotics or tetracyclines that deplete colon bacteria.
Folic acid is mostly found in leafy greens (spinach, kale, beet greens) and is easily lost during cooking or after any sort of processing. Lightly sautéed is best.
Common causes of Folic Acid deficiency:
- Inadequate nutrition – lack of fresh fruits and vegetables
- Poor absorption – due to intestinal problems,
- Metabolic problems from alcohol or drug use
- Excessive demands on tissues, as with stress, illness, or pregnancy.
Amino Acids
Amino acids are the building blocks for proteins. Proteins have many responsibilities:
- Growth and maintenance of body structures
- Enzymes
- Hormones
- Immune system
- Fluid electrolyte balance
- Energy
- Blood sugar regulation
There are 21 amino acids the body needs in order to carry out all its functions. There are two categories of amino acids, non-essential and essential.
Non-essential amino acids are supplied by the body.
Essential amino acids need to be supplied by the diet.
Animal proteins provide all essential amino acids. Plant proteins are incomplete and must be combined to achieve all essential amino acids. These are referred to as complementary proteins.
For example:
Grain – HIGH in the amino acid methionine, LOW in lysine
Legumes – LOW in methionine, HIGH in lysine.
Together they make a complete protein, having all amino acids. When all amino acids are present, neurotransmitters are balanced. When neurotransmitters are out of balance, depression, anxiety, and lack of focus are the result.
Susie Fanslow, LAc
Elson M. Haas, M.D. Staying Healthy with Nutrition. Berkley CA: Celestial Arts
Publishing, 1992.