Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Chinese Herbal Formulas for Optimal Health and Wellness

When most people hear the term "Traditional Chinese Medicine," they probably think of Acupuncture.  But did you know, before Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine was predominantly herbal medicine, and today, Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs together form the foundation of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

The benefit received from Acupuncture can be enhanced and magnified by the addition of a Chinese Herbal formula into your daily routine, and the right formula can make all the difference in your progress towards optimal health.  Chinese Herbs are a great way to supplement your Acupuncture treatment, help you keep feeling the therapeutic effect of Chinese Medicine in between Acupuncture treatment days, and assist your healing process from the inside out.     

At The Pin Cushion Clinic, we carry a line of Chinese Herbal formulas by Evergreen Herbs, a company we have chosen for the clinical effectiveness of their products, as well as the purity of the ingredients.  Although Chinese Herbs can be prescribed in whole bulk form which you boil to make a tea, most people don't have the time to dedicate to this process, so the herbs we carry have already been ground into a powder and encapsulated so they are convenient for travel and a busy lifestyle.  We stock common formulas for conditions we see often, and many people are surprised at how many types of conditions can be treated with Chinese Herbs.  We carry formulas for anything from insomnia, anxiety, and stress relief,  to menstrual cycle regulation, and pain relief.  And, if the formula we prescribe for you is a little more obscure, we are happy to order it. 

Keep this in mind for your next Acupuncture appointment.  If you have been curious about Chinese Herbs, or wonder how they could benefit you and help you reach your health and wellness goals even more quickly, ask your Acupuncturist at your next appointment, and we'd be happy to make a recommendation for you.

Here's to your good health!


  1. Great post!!Thanks for sharing it with us....really needed.Seok Park, PhD, LAc, Dipl OM:-Dr.Park attended Korea University in Seoul, Korea and received his B.S. in Genetic Engineering. After graduating from college he completed a 2 year traditional apprenticeship under Master Hyun Kyu Choi as a full time apprentice studying Acupuncture and Traditional Oriental Medicine. He started practicing acupuncture and herbal medicine in Korea through volunteer work since 2003.Acupuncture in Columbia MD

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