Thursday, October 20, 2011

Fall Applesauce

According to Chinese Medicine, apples are very nourishing for the lung and metal element, which are both associated with sadness and lethargy. Got a stubborn cough? Feeling down about the shortening days? Just need a warm, comforting bowl of sweetness? Try applesauce! So much better than the canned stuff, fresh applesauce is simple, affordable, and incredibly healthful.
I love tart cooking apples for this, including Granny Smiths, Gravensteins, Gala, Fuji, and Honeycrisp, but any apple will do.

Apples, cored and chopped (peeled for smooth sauce)
cinnamon (optional)

Add your chopped apples to a splash of water in a large saucepan and simmer, covered, over medium heat. Check on the apples every 10 minutes or so, adding more water to prevent burning, if necessary. Once the apples are tender, mash them with a potato masher or blend for extra-smooth sauce. Add a dash of cinnamon and you're good to go!

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