Sunday, June 30, 2019

Summer and the time for Joy, Why am I so anxious? by Julia

Summer and the time for joy/ Why am I so anxious?
– by Julia Holloway

Summer has arrived in Seattle and with it comes the rush of fun, friendship, sun and everything we’ve wanted to fit into our social lives all year.  It feels like a frenzy of emotions and desires and plans. Already it feels as though you’re running out of time and you’re acutely aware that it will come to an end all too quickly.

In Chinese Medicine, Summer is associated with the element of Fire which is meant to illuminate our inner being, bring sparks to our creative energies and allow us to bask in the enjoyment of others.  Summer in Seattle specifically, means reckoning with light VERY early and light VERY late, with knowing this beautiful perfect weather must be taken advantage of and therefore not knowing how to rest. 

The truth is, the body has a hard time relaxing when it feels like our duty to take full advantage of this northern light. What I notice with most of our clients here at The Pin Cushion is a mix of excitement coupled with complete and total exhaustion, leading to some form of anxiety.  Nobody can understand why she/they/he feel so tired or overwrought.  Well, let me be the first to tell you that this transition, though exciting, is tough because you are human and change is hard.   We want the energy to be able to say yes to all the invitations that beckon us to stay up, stay out, be creative, make plans and enjoy each other.  It is important to get support in helping our bodies transition into summer so we may fulfill our plans with ease, breath, love and lightness. It’s the time for joy, the time to let it all bloom and let our best selves relax into it.

I invite you to come see any of our amazing practitioners here at The Pin Cushion for the perfect summer treatment that will help relax your system so you can truly enjoy this veritable paradise we live in.

See you soon!!