Many people get Acupuncture treatment for physical health concerns, but Acupuncture is also very effective at relieving stress, calming the mind, and balancing mood and emotional fluctuations. Our emotional and mental health has a huge impact on our well being, and can transform our experience of day to day life. Our emotions and mood are always changing over the course of our life, or even over the course of a day. This is a completely normal and healthy part of life. However, when we get "stuck" in a certain emotional pattern, whether it be sadness, depression, anxiety, fear, anger or irritability, sometimes we need a little support to help us shift back into balance.
Acupuncture is all about treating every individual holistically- mind, body, and spirit. The Acupuncturist looks for any areas of deficiency, excess, or stagnation, in order to select treatment points that will re-balance that individual and promote the smooth flow of energy, harmonizing body, mind, and spirit. Our emotions often affect us on a physical level as well, whether they take a toll on our sleep, our energy level, or our digestion, and so each individual's unique presentation of s is treated with a unique set of points selected by the Acupuncturist to treat their specific condition.
Acupuncture has been found to stimulate release of the body's own endogenous endorphins which help relieve pain, and Acupuncture also regulates serotonin levels in the brain. Serotonin has been called "nature's feel good chemical" because of it's effect on mood and disposition. Many anti-depressant prescriptions help by affecting serotonin levels, because it can help promote a feeling of calm and an uplifted mood. Acupuncture is a way to achieve this effect without the side effects of prescription medications. Additionally, Acupuncture relieves stress by encouraging the central nervous system to shift out of sympathetic "fight or flight" mode, into parasympathetic "rest and relax" mode. Most people feel very relaxed during and after treatment.
If you are seeking balance for your emotions, Acupuncture is an effective therapy that addresses the whole person, to bring balance and well being to body, mind, and spirit.